College Dreams
One year of high school to go,
surviving the same status quo,
six classes a day, learning on the way,
up the ladder I hopefully go....
Medical school is my dream,
I keep applying for scholarships 'till I scream!
I look forward to going to college and campus,
but I need some "dinero" for these lances!
Working part-time for seven and a quarter,
I keep my dream hidden deep in my heart,
going to classes every day faithfully,
and looking forward to the day when I finally start.
My parents, middle classed thought they be,
have wonderful and exciting dreams for me,
they hope and pray that one future day,
I will be on Purdue's sidewalks going my way....
What type of doctor will I wish to become?
One that will hopefully help someone,
One that will be kind, smart, and have a lot of empathy,
One that will listen and provide much sympathy.
Money isn't the key object in my mind,
No, I hope that I will become a great man later on,
And, someone in my future will benefit greatly,
just from having walked in my path, humbly but stately.
The future is a dream I wish to see come true,
but judges I know that it will not happen without YOU.