College Bound
My boyfriend is a senior and he doesn’t have long
He has 6 college offers
2 are in IL, but not in Chicago
I can deal with that
4 are in other states, nowhere near Chicago
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
When he told me I tried to as happy as I could
But he could tell and he understood
I’m afraid to lose what we have built
I am afraid to lose our friendship
I am afraid to never feel his touch again
I am afraid we lose each other
But most of all I’m afraid that I might lose him
If he doesn’t leave Chicago
He’ll just be another number
A number that will not be recognized
One of many murdered teens who didn’t make it
So I will congratulate you on going away to school
Because I would rather talk to you long distance
Than not to talk to you at all
I love you and good luck