Clouds and Cobwebs
By Taber Nelson
Overcast skies cast sheets atop the mountains
While the thin flakes of snow
Gently tickle the earth
There one stands, in the grasping cold
With his wispy breath reaching for the sky
Looking down the two roads
One with the brick lining, which shows grey
From the tests of weather and time
The road displays overgrowth, willows and small pines
Not for the light of soul
The wind gusts and the snow picks up
The second path shows
No longer a lain path, but a trail
Where the growth is less, and the distance is near
But when life appears too good
It is never the truth
But where do these paths lead?
Awestruck by the magnitude of the decision,
There in-between stood a tall and noble blue fir
There at the trunk lies a leather bound journal
With pages made of Cyprus leaves
As it opens, dust scatters and inside lies nothing
Blank pages.
Then it came.
Feet and arms moving in an upward fashion
Though the thick growth, Where webs lie
And nests peep over the trees
And the squirrels nestle over the winter
Finally the peak
Above the blanket of storm
Above the weight of snow pressing down
There were all the answers of life
Why choose left or right, when you can choose up.