Clear Umbrella
Persistent and cold-
Grays this world
of Concrete and Metal
that You and I live in.
It starts out small-
a fine falling mist-
Before it quickly grows
into a Pounding Force;
Filling the streets -
And the gutters -
And the drains-
It threatens to drown
the planet in that of gloom
Yet here You and I Stand-
warm bodies pressed
in a close, near-embrace-
ignoring the Howling winds,
and the Frigid air;
The sound of the pelting rain -
'DuumDun, DuumDun, Duumdun' -
rumbles off this plastic-
It covers our heads-
The tumult of the world only a phantom
that lives distantly in our minds.
Protecting us:
Sheltering us;
Our attention is on the Warmth
that radiates from Within-
The smooth, Chaste mending
of plume, rose-tinted Lips-
Pressed in tender Intimacy;
A moment so Sacred-
so Blissful and Sweet-
that even the torrent precipitation
Cannot Disturb
It is here-
in a time of somber mist-
and leaden rain-
Our love Blossoms-
Hidden under a Clear Umbrella.