City Sounds
I can hear the noise of kids playing; I can hear the murmurs of evangelical Christians praying.
I hear an ambulance siren trying to save a life. I hear drug dealers negotiating their price.
I can hear the yells of a mother whom son just got shot, and I can hear the inhale and the exhale of a stoner spoking pot.
I can hear the dreamer telling her friends her 'getting out of the hood plot'. I can hear the jubilant children playing on the dirty beds in the vacant lot.
I can hear the planes hovering over the sky, and I can hear a little boy trying not to cry as his dad said he was coming back, but he lied.
I can hear a brother raising a brother because they do have a father or a mother.
I can hear the horns of speeding cars and I can hear the children excitement as they see their first star.
I can hear hope in the mother's voice as she's been three years cleaned of dope.
I can hear the squeaky tires of what about to be a drive by, and I can hear the man yell, ''Get down!'' as he cry.
I can hear the people rejoice as no one dies.
I can hear the homeless asking for change, and I can hear the weirdos being called strange.
I can hear the the talented ball player bounce the ball, and I can hear a player yelling the calls.
I can hear the hipster yelling for coffee, and I can hear some guy yelling, ''Yo, girl, call me!''
I can hear many sounds of the city. Some sad, some rad, and some glad.
Many different noises from a diverse place. I love it here so much that it puts a smile on my face.
This city is great... and there's a lot of more noise just wait.