Circus Pride
I exist in the moment between dawn and dusk
Whispers of romance between lovers lips
Hands the can't touch, nor mouths that can kiss
An elephant suspended on a taught wire string
Crossing the room; bearing the name shame
All eyes follow it until the string breaks
I am not alone in this secret love affair – between identity and secrecy
There are many more akin to me, arriving at the same circus
Expecting to watch a show but they end up as the freaks,
Roped into a life beneath lock and key.
The media ringleaders love the strange and the weird.
The audience wants to watch for their normalcy to be secure:
We are the example for their children – everything they should never be
The wicked lost ones; we're God's mistakes, can't you see?
Dogs to be trained and mimes to be silenced
Clowns for laughing and clowns for crying
One day the circus acts will cease their play
One day the lions will be set loose to choose the ringmaster as prey
When the trampled circus tent in the wind billows wide
Our spirits will whisper, “We called it our pride,”