Christ & Racism don't mix

you can't love God

and hate His creations

you can't honor Jesus

and cast out the lost

you can't speak of God

and embrace worldly lifestyles, that is not of God

don't say you're Godly

and you're living life UnGodly

you'll be known as a ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing

This poem is about: 
My country
Our world
Guide that inspired this poem: 


Annette M Velasquez

Absolute truth! Sadly, too many people just don't understand- they'd rather embrace hypocrisy... but all of this has been prophesized. Blessings come to those who remain faithful to the end!

MVP-Most Valuable Poet


received in Jesus name

check out my new video-comment on it

also, i wrote a new poem "can our cries ever be heard", check it out


I love this poem its the truth. Good Job

MVP-Most Valuable Poet

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