Choices . Thats what life's about . Choices , honestly they make you wanna shout . But after all, when you're down and out choices will be there to help you out. Choices may be difficult or easy like deciding to wear a jacket when it's breezy , but choices will also tough and make your life rough. You can let tough choices control and bully you , or you can be a teacher and make some choices to help and educate fools . Choices will always be there by your side even when you dont want them there, because its a love hate thing we have with choices i swear . Choices are everything to us . Are choices are everything we arent , because they make us everything we are . Our Choices are the most powerful force in our life , they decide what we do , how we do them , why , because choices tell us how to spend our time in life . Time is all we have in this life , our choices will help us make the most of our lives , making bad choices its like stabbing yourself with a knife . You can recover , but you will always be left with the scar with apain that may hover over you like cloud or maybe just make you proud because you can say, Hey it was my choice to make . Never take any choice you can make for granted because these choices of yours ,im saying this candid.
Use your voice , just make a choice. - Abdul ly