The Choice of a Nurse
The sick and the dying,
The needy and the hopeless,
Who do they look to for aspiration?
The strong and the immune,
The lucky and hopeful,
Who do they look to for guidance?
Today we, the people, live in a world of love and hate
Driven by those who make their alliances with others like themselves.
And who are the “them” I speak of?
Those who chose to hate and destroy in this world
Those to choose to love and contribute in this world
A nurse…
I choose the path of those who help.
The sick and the dying,
The needy and the hopeless,
They look to a nurse for assistance;
A nurse to shelter them in their most vulnerable state
To give them guidance in their lives.
I choose the path of a nurse.
The strong and the immune,
The lucky and hopeful,
We look to the weak to give us some sort of will to continue,
To help,
To never give up in those who need us.
The choice to teach me that everyone needs
A helping hand sometimes
The choice to give back to those who teach me that life is not
Always loving.
Now it is my choice;
The choice to be a nurse.