A Changing World - A Sestina by Eliyahu
If there was one thing I could change
I would make a world of peace
Bound together by hope
That we shall live with those we love
And they shall not leave us for useless wars
The flags that wave around the world, white.
Skin colors black and white
No judgement, the world changing
No battles, no war
Nations living together in peace
To be with the ones that we love
And share our dreams and hopes.
And as we live with hope
All that matters is the white
That represents a world of love
In which everything has changed
Into a blissfull peace
After the centuries of war.
Abandoned by the thing we knew, war
To rebuild and preserve, our only hope
To live peacefully
Ruled, now has come change
The world shall become lovely
When it is not ravaged by war
Brought in by the new hope
The purity of the flag that is white
And born from the seeds of peace
The whole world at peace
Together as one, a true love
For the difference of black and white
Has dissapeared with the wars
And the world can live as one with hope
And poeple can go along and with it change
The white flag of innocence and peace
Cause changes, no violence just love
War is gone, and what never dies is hope.