Changing our way in life
Free fall
into the unknown
give you my heart
relinquish my soul it's....
best for what life shall bestow
I take a big step into unknown
Never looking back
for this is my choice
Not questioning myself
keep my mind poised
take a look up
thank god
I rejoice
the truth is, I know I made the right choice
So I follow this path
forget the past
this devotion and emotion
I'll make sure it lasts
passion so wide
love so vast pain
sadness will be things of the past
Realize... who am i
To follow a path
For i make my own path
I am a leader of the unknown
so i make my own.
I come to an end
But i dont stop
There is more road but
I have reached my destination
i dont look back
I dont stop to think
I just go....
But what if i had, what if we had
So why are we stopping.....
This is the unknown