Changing my path to change theirs
Sunlight flitting across white cabinets and microscope slides
A visit to the children’s ward
Where they wait with cancer
The pain inside me
That’s all I need to feel
My dream
A difficult, arduous dream to be sure
To cure cancer
To cure their pain
That's all I need to feel
Not a dream, a goal
Everyone to support me
No one to stop me
Their faces
That’s all I need to see
The ones who want believe in me
My parents, my family, my friends
The ones who need to believe in me
Thats all I need to see
I believe in me
That's all I need to know
I can change their lives
That's all I need to know
Nothing stands in my way
That’s all I need to know
Many years to study
About seven to be exact
Many seminars, lectures
Many projects
That’s all I need to hear
But in the end
Very worth the time and effort
Life is priceless
Their thanks
That’s all I need to hear
The look of joy on their faces
The happy sighs of relief from their family
The proud faces of my family
That’s all I need to remember
They won’t give up on me
They believe in me
That's all I need to remember
The people suffering believe in someone
Hoping someone can find their cure
I could do it
Given the time
I can do it
I’ll give my time
I will do it
There is nothing to hold me back
I want to do it
Following my dream
To turn my dream
From a dream
To a goal
I have felt all I need to feel
I have seen all I need to see
I have heard all I need to hear
I have remembered all I need to remember
I could
I can
I will
I have nothing to stop me