Changing Education
When I look at all that could be changed
I decide education is the one
They say education is key
So why not start there
Sometimes you have to remember
We are all different
Yet we are all taught the same
We learn things that we may never use
But are forced to remember it for a test
This test isn’t life
its a test of do you remeber
A test that tell you if you are smart or not
Stop teaching for a test and teach for our future
Let us learn in a way that fits us all
Not just some of us
We are all different so allow us to learn that way
Allow us to grow
And watch us flourish like flowers
Just because it worked before doesn’t mean it still works
You say its about our future
So why not ask us what we need?
Stop allowing test to determine how smart a kid is
And allow the kid to show you how smart they are
Teach for life not for a test
Times have changed so should education.