Change yourself Save the world
Compared to this world I am young
But I am as powerful as any President
I would change the world to be better place
Do away with all of the pollution
How else are our grandchildren going to know what a polar bear is
People seem to forget that we only have one world to live on
And I can’t be the only one done with the way we have treated it thus far
Dire consequences for messing up the beauty on Earth is a fine
Except those people make enough that $50,000 is nothing big
Because even though our world is dying and the only green left is money
Some people care more about that
Generally the rule seems to be if you don’t talk about it it’s not a problem
Well the Earth is becoming worse with each passing year
But I don’t see anyone preaching for its well doing
All I want is for every person to care just a little bit more
Maybe then the Earth will be saved because someone decided to care