Change Everythig
A change can alter the world
From the change of wind for Columbus
Or a single intake of wind in a different direction
If a slight step is retaken in a new way
The world will shift
But I want to change it all
Everything, I want it all different for every part of me
I understand what I am
I know who I am, but they don’t
And I want to change the break in understanding, I want to change it all
Break down every inch of what’s been built up
Restart, rebuild, renew, recreate
Women, men, gay, straight, there is no difference
There is a heart inside us all
All beating to different drums
To play the same song
And I would change others’ tunes
I would change it all
I would change the perception
The filter that has folded over their eyes
I understand, though I am young.
I am equal, though I am woman.
I have love, and it is the same.
The tints I see come through their eyes too
And if I had a choice of change
So that I may change it all
The world would be tilted
To see everyone on equal playing fields –
No one greater, no one lesser