Certain Values, 2016
I-I-I-…, 2013, by Unknown
Pressure in canvas, Sweat on skin
I sat in my classroom for what felt like days
Where gallons of water packed on and poured into the room until
The thin, cheap carpet overflowed and lost its fight with the tide
I sank deeper into my seat and into the room
Even when the water kissed the ceiling
It continued to add
And add
Until the pressure popped my ears and the black water of the bottom of the ocean
Broke my heart
Into tiny, pitiful pieces
I’m not a pussy
I’m not going to
I promise
I’m not
Seventh grade remains to haunt my memories
Hell had found a way to enter me through
Hormones and broken promises
Eighth grade’s entrance was
Lies and lust
Ninth grade’s
Numbers on tests and numbers of boys
Counting, 2015, by a mathematician
Lead in pockets, ink on steel
I counted the closed closets
Tears and releases on bed sheets
Millimeters between bodies
Inches between her and I
Miles between him and I
Counted the mistakes
Counted my labels
I counted what I could
so I could
Hang onto something
In my life
I need truth
loyalty of facts
They are allowed to stick
To my bones
Uncomfortable and warm
Heavy and sweet
I allow them to overwhelm me
Make me feel something
Everyone keeps them in their pockets
Opinions rot and mold
But they remain steaming
Even if they never see the light of day
Those who say
Nothing is certain
Makes their foul odor
Fill the air with garage
But I keep some things in my pocket as well
But my front pocket
Is not filled with
It does not hold
Faded assumptions
My fat pocket
Holds more truths than I can count
Keep, 2016, by Me
oil on hearts, molasses in veins
I hold onto
The heat from my mother’s embrace
They are certain
And the early moments of morning
My father walks into the house after hours of work
Tired, spent, collapsing into bed
He turns into a counted number
Turned into a currency that defines our happiness
Our well-being
Money is certain
I see the stars in the sky
And though I may not see them
In my last moments of life
I know they remain
I know they will be the protectors
Over those I care for
And that is certain
Validity haunts me in the best way possible
Without it
I would not be stuck together
I would not form into the clay structure
Of blood and headaches
I would not be framed
Upon the other broken hearts in the hall
I would not be painted on
Classroom chairs and bedsheets
Sprawled out in melted sugar
Sticking to every new assumption that I feel is more
My name
My age
My GPA, My ranking, My weight
My labels
And I mean all of my labels
Liberal Student Pansexual Loving Female Teen Hispanic
I place myself not in assumptions
peers, strangers, administrators, judges, teachers, people
may have do not fit into my pockets
My pockets are too busy on keeping my facts within its seams
And too cramped to hold anyone’s assumptions
I do not fit into anyone’s pockets
My certainty holds me
It proves my validity.
It counts myself into a whole.
Not an assumption in a pocket.