To a Certain Skeletal Sickness
To a Certain Skeletal Sickness
Dear Ana, you know your devastation on me.
When you take a physical part away, you also steal my soul
Render me crippled, a disguised manifestation to other people
And blind me so that nothing else in the world I can see
I am just a little girl, 12, and I receive your retribution
Undeservedly, why did you have to make a reck
A young body, growing into itself, stopped to inspect
It will take years of tears to make restitution
To my own abdomen I now strike and bruise
Any strength was used to worsen my disease, I would choose
I feel it inescapable, yet it is my own choice
To control my weight is my single care
Since I could never make a difference, with no talents to share
Since I have no contributions or commandeering voice
But my fickle frail frame is just a deceptive ruse
My soul is not grey, but rather filled with many hues.
Now my Sophomore year I travel to Panama, every pointy bone
Seeking something, with an impetus to make someone’s day
Among a group of those deprived, led astray
Because of poor living, and no comfort at home
And I see there, there are no neatly paved avenues
Not many scenes we are accustomed to
I administer precious medical aid for the body and eyes
Those who have never seen, receive invaluable spectacles
We share all we have— food, clothes, medicine— to give something respectable
Retaining walls for a building, with mortar I construct the sides
But not only the building is being repaired
In Panama I build my mental stability, and remedy the impaired
I discover that there I loved the kids most of all
So happy to see us come and visit with them
10 days— I ignite a happiness in them, but the end would impend
Still, reflecting on the bus back, I felt I found my call
Maybe I am not worthless, in me something they rouse
When I saw that I did make a difference, a small due
And if there is anything I find in that experience to be true
Is that you must love life above all, and meaning of it will ensue
I return to America, and see to a bodily restoration
Because there is an occupation in the system of society
For me, and to be successful, of my life I need propriety
Because my purpose is philanthropic; I will aid in healing nations.
I left as a bag of bones, with no will to live
But I wandered off the paved path, to find a shrouded trail
My emotions simultaneously were contained and derailed
My passion for humanity has become too restive
And I still feel this unrelenting impetus to bring peace
To any individual or society, and their well being I strive to increase
Forever, until the day I die, I will try
To inspire equality and urge governments to pry
Into lives with the intent to continue what people like me want
Or to build a new establishment from the ground up
Until everyone feels the warmth of hope and success
And everyone works to put extreme depravity to rest
And you know what, I thank Ana for this. That
Certain skeletal sickness that made comfort scat
That pulled me into despair, and forced me to look for purpose
For something I could give care, and shaped my aspiring career thus
Thank you for the isolation of my thoughts, to such a depravity
That the only natural hope I formed is that of the future of humanity
For discounting me as a human in a steady environment
Making goals as a side effect—to save others till my body’s retirement
Through philanthropic endeavours and studies
To work for the greater good, and ensure fellow inhabitants are ruddy
Because in a funny way, the more I hated my individual
And the more I tore myself down, the lost soul demeaned
I was able to rebuild a new person from it, a newfound self esteem
And find a new face in the mirror, built from anorexic residual.
Your former love,