Carrotsticks to invisible pink unicorns.
Carrotsticks to alien beings in your head.
Carrotsticks to spirits.
Carrotsticks to flying spaghetti monsters.
Carrotsticks to Olympian Gods.
Carrotsticks to blue avatars practicing outdated rituals.
Carrotsticks to Adam and Eve.
Carrotsticks to misogynistic flood-causers who give birth to themselves.
Carrotsticks to all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-benevolent beings when the world contains evil.
Carrotsticks to such beings that require people to journey thousands of miles to Saudi Arabia.
Carrotsticks to all of these beliefs and more.
I don't have to respect your belief.
I can throw carrotsticks at any idea I choose.
Ideas don't have rights.
People do.
I can never throw carrotsticks at any person I choose.
I will always respect your individual rights.
No carrotsticks to your rights.
No carrotsticks to people who believe in all this bullshit.
Only when these beliefs negatively influence government policy
Destroy people's rights
Destroy people's lives
Only once these beliefs do this
Then I will throw carrotsticks