Stage 1.
Effervescent. Energetic. Enlightened
It chose you. But you go on, and on, and on, and on,
Hairy. Happy. Hopeful
You have your own ribbon of color now.
Stage 2.
Growing. Greedy. Carcinoma
Poison enters your cells.
Depressed. Defeated. Discomfort
Schedules shift to meet your every need.
Stage 3
Stage 4
Lonely. Lifeless. Leech
Like a sheer grey cloak it floats down upon the shoulders of the weak.
Terrible. Taunting. Terminal
To it, you're just another sack of bones. Now buried in the ground.
Bleak. Black. Boney
Cancer doesn't descriminate. All lives don't matter.
Invisible. Intangable. Inhuman
This disease doesn't care.
Cancer sucks out the soul, the happiness, and the hope
It takes what it wants and gives nothing in return.
It decays life before you're six feet under.
Love is no longer enough.
There's no way to be saved. It already chose you.
There's only one anniversary now.
The day cancer stole your spirit forever.
You're loved ones stay back to weep while you sleep.