The burdens of a dream
In her eyes, I saw the rise of a nation
Death to hatred, and life to glory.
In her eyes, I saw bright blessed mornings
Colorful stories, and happiness abound.
In her eyes I saw the gleam of a dreamer
A believer, in a future uninhibited.
In her eyes I saw the look of unrest,
The look of protest, to injustice and corruption and poverty.
In her eyes, I saw the will to rise higher,
To be wiser, and to teach all who dream of learning.
In her eyes I saw the fight to be unburdened,
To be certain, that hopes don't wash away, and dreams aren't deferred.
In her eyes I saw the tears of a country.
And the evils of inequality,
In her eyes I saw the burdens of a dream.
And the darkness, of a future unfree.