Brown Penny
You came into my life 5 years ago your beauty so radiant like new fallen snow
You were unlike any other,
I always wondered what life would be like if we were together
Then others came at us with historic opposition,
But we broke through that submission
You were the salt to my pepper
I was the ink to your paper
Together we forged a new name Brown Penny
Brown Penny, Brown Penny
No matter what others said,
Their opinion to us was dead
You don't know it but someone once said,
We are a couple born by implausibility and impossibility,
But it seemed that fate kept bringing us back together
Brown Penny, Brown Penny
When my life became hard to decipher,
I had one constant reminder
Unlike the Scottish men who had their Bonnie,
I had you my Brown Penny
Oh Brown Penny, Brown Penny
But then came about the day was your un-announed farewell,
There I was left to dwell
For our tale had been told
My warmth soon turned to cold
Whether you're home or away,
I will not wither in dismay
I have looked in the eyes of many,
But just like yesterday, today, and tomorrow you are my Brown Penny.