Brown Eyes
Brown Eyes
They say after suffering from trama you loose memory of what lead up to it
But those Brown Eyes
I remember darkness
and bright Brown Eyes
like a solar eclipse, so much light shining from behind those eyes
But that's all I remember
I think
A bright smile and dark hair came with those Brown Eyes
Hope and love and happiness came with those Brown Eyes
smiles and laughter and...
and pain
and tears
and no. I don't want to remember
I don't want to remember that you loved me
that you promised me a future together
that you would never tire of me
those Brown Eyes cried with me
smiled with me
laughed, played, wrestled, slept, cooked, walked, sang songs to me
Those bright loving Brown Eyes made love to me
The last day I saw those eyes
Then I saw them again months later
filled with hate and pain and darkness
My Brown Eyes
My love
I don't want to remember anything but those Brown Eyes
My lulliby
My hope
My dream
My baby's Brown Eyes that went dark towards me
I don't know
but I still love those Brown Eyes of love
And that's all I want to remember
Brown Eyes
My first love
My Brown Eyes
Two years of those bright eyes
a lifetime of only remembering those eyes
even when all else fades
those eyes will burn in my heart
burn warmth and eternal unconditional love into my life forever
when all else fades from memory of you
Your Brown Eyes will always make me smile with love and adoration
enjoy your life my love
My Brown Eyed angel