The Brothers Grimm 2.0
Humpty Dumpty was not an egg.
You may believe he was an egg
As long as you must
But trust me when I say-
Humpty Dumpty's name was
Henry Evans,
And he was as human as you and I.
Kind of makes you rethink the wall
And the fall-
Which I am most disheartened to inform you
Was not at all a fall.
It was infact a different four letter word,
That wall was really a three story building
And that fall was really a jump
And humpty dumpty was really Henry Evans.
You can distort the fairytales
All you want.
Tear them apart,
Turn them inside out,
But at the base of all of them
I think you'll find that
The most written about topic among humans
Is death.
Not even fairytales
Can evade that.