like broken clockwork
my mind functions like a broken clock
being rewired by the one trying to fix it
only to make it half of a whole
only to make me half of a whole being
i don't know what happened to make my head this fucked up
to where i cant function
without having someone in the room
yet theyre not knowing what is going through my head.
i can't be alone in fear that the thoughts will come back
and the thoughts will take over my brain saying
"you're not good enough"
"you are a stupid piece of shit"
"why are you here"
"you're worthless"
"nobody loves you"
"you are nothing"
"you are nothing"
the words crowd my head and torment me but why do i beleive them
theyre just thoughts they cant hurt me
yet they do hurt so badly that it makes it hard to breath.
im screaming at the top of my lungs "please just leave me alone
let me live again! this is not living it is just surviving"
i over think then believe the words that come after.
so now that you know part of what goes on im my head
will you leave? or help me fight the demons?