Brina's Diary
Do you know how it feels?
to not be comfortable in your own skin?
waking up everyday
and wishing
you looked like someone else
finding beauty in everything
in everyone
but yourself
saying all types of things
inside your head
I'm fat
I'm ugly
how could
anyone see
the beauty
in a hideous
creature like me
Do you know how it feels?
to see yourself as nothing more
than a failure
alone in the future
and unsuccessful
disappointing friends and family
who thought you could beat the odds
and become
something amazing
Do you know how it feels?
to fall for the same tricks
over and over
putting your self in the same position
never learning your lesson
falling for the same fools
who in the end
want only one thing
that you continue to give them
hoping they won't leave
failing to see
that you deserve better
Do you know how it feels?
to lose all faith
all hope
give up on everything
cause you can no longer cope
with the stress
the pain
you wish the blood
would stop rushing through your veins
your heart would stop pumping
and your lungs would stop breathing
you'd wake up
and this would all be a dream
it'll all be a joke
and the past never happened
then reality kicks in
and you realize
that this is your life
before your eyes
you can't change what has already happened
it's only the future you can control
and its up to you to go
down the right path
or chose the same old route
Do you know how it feels to be me?
that, I highly doubt.