Boots Worn Thin
I don’t want you to be in my shoes,
Because these boots aren’t worn in,
They’ve given me blisters all my life,
They have worn my heart down thin.
A heavy heart I carry on my back,
One that is war-torn and shattered,
From many a heart-break and sorrow,
The pieces were all that mattered.
Millions of shards like a chandelier,
Impossible to piece back together,
Afraid to replace it or try again,
Now a callused heart of leather.
I never wanted to try to love again,
I’d fall and not be able to stand,
My heart cannot be broken more,
No one will ever understand.
But instead of seeing my failures,
You smiled big and held my hand,
You looked me in the eyes sincerely,
You wanted desperately to understand.
When you embraced me genuinely,
And held me close when I was scared,
The simple love that you showed me,
Affirmed me that you truly cared.
These boots that I stumble and fall in,
Are yours to walk in if you choose,
You displayed your fearless love,
And now true love I will never refuse.