The Boogeyman Wears Blue
The boogeyman is real
just not quite in the way we think
he is not a behemoth of green flesh
the boogeyman wears blue.
He does not linger underneath her your bed
he roams in the open world
searching for darkness
leaving black bodies in his trail,
Have you heard the tales?
He murdered Michael Brown,
stole Eric Garner’s breath
provided Alton Sterling with an early death
all with the coldness of his heart and the heat of a gun
long fingers of vengeance robs the life of someone’s daughter or son
the boogeyman who promise to protect and serve
is my greatest fear
no matter how hard I look for light
he follows me like a shadow that refuses to be silenced
a monster I wish mythological
but all too real,
I know I’m not the only one
who is weary of the dozen
the men who’ve taken the lives of our brothers, sisters, and cousins.
I know we can’t bury our past of officers burying bullets in black bodies
but yesterday is history,
let us solve the mystery of the future,
utilizing the gift of the present
making a safer tomorrow for the next generation of colored children
taming the beast of racism that drives the pigs to take us to the slaughterhouse
that drives the boogeyman to haunt us whole.