Body Glass Stains
Raining on through the cloudy days
Staining the tainted window sills
Mother nature's song that played
Flashes that crashed through sky's
Sleekless mirror that display
with color that erupted every surface
Hiding sorrow within the glass case
It refuses to move
At first it was like hail
From the faulty infatuation embarked
Then pebbles that sailed
leaving cracks and deep marks
Shattering experience
Breaks the self worth
Sprawled over from interference
of the thrown stone
Stones that crack and injure
on frail limbs
The longing the shards have endured
Swept into the darken corner
But along comes a being
Cutting their feet from below
Seeing the damage done of bleeding
Looking at this horror of a floor show
As each shard is picked up
hands are wounded from the stories
Shown throw colored glass
of the unforeseen hurt
One fragment whispers its agony
Heard by hollowed ears
One after another a piece is insert
into a new form of fallen tears
Each hand bleeding from repair
Until its figure was new of past flesh
Feeling of light ensnared
Through such windows ones see in prayer
The window having new frame
A body of a being
Holding an object to be renamed
A heart