Blue Man
Staring out over the ocean
The sun's reflection burning
Sparkling off the Blue Man's hull
Creates a sounding paradise
That never seems to dull
Riding through the ocean's spray
The mist and fog dispersing
Yearning for the chill to sway
And the heat to come around
Want it to last forever, this lovely blue day
Sleeping in the calming shade
As midday comes around
Refilling energy from this morning
A sudden screech, a call of fear
Kills the mood and dawns a warning
Speeding over the water
Running from the sound
Hoping, praying, that no one hears
Your secret will soon be out
Soon it is almost drowned
Staring out over the islands
You breathe a sigh of relief
The weight is off your shoulders now
Mending your own fate
You finally can stop the Blue Man's bow