Blood on My Flag
Welcome to my country
My home and my land
My pride and joy
My country
The place of freedom
Of apple pie and lemonade
Which smells of success and wealth
The stories which hold the foundation up
My country
One that people have fought and died for
But haven’t quite gotten their thanks
Or those who hold the worlds cash
And receive a free pass
My country
That doesn’t acknowledge a child’s existence until hatred is their downfall
Where a mental struggle is not helped
And instead these are put away for the world not to see
Where what is not understood is evil
And a cause for violence with no end
My country
Where a God who you praise is determined the cause of assault and hatred
Where people are pulled from their homes and walked miles
To a reserve that was hastily given to them
Where a small girl loses her mother
A small boy loses his father
By the ones we were supposed to trust
My country
One that uses weapons of pure destruction
In the name of all which is “good”
Attempting to help another race
But would sooner die in a war then let them near
Where a woman's body isn't her own or her choice
And therefore is taken as the object she is
My flag is red
A blood red smeared from those who didn’t deserve to have theirs run
Freedom is enjoyed by those who don’t understand what they have
The flag is a sickly red
That reminds those that my country holds freedom from out of their reach
This is my country
This is the place I call home
At least
It’s what I’m supposed to call home