The Blessing- 2 Part Poem
Woman: Man:
I am a girl I am a boy
I am his wife I am her husband
I love him (unison) I love her
I made a commitment to him I made a commitment to her
I promised him a child I wanted a boy
I had to give him a child She couldn't bear children
Had I been sick ? Was it me?
Then I realized... Then I realized...
I had a past (unison) I had a past
He did not know about it She knew not of this
It was my duty to speak up I had to say something
I loved this man I loved this woman
So I spoke up (unison) So I spoke up
I wept in agony I tried to hold back
What had I done wrong? I know I messed up
I just wanted a child I just wanted a son
I had no disase I was lucky to not have ecaught anything
So what was the problem? I was the problem
Was my life cursed? She blamed herself
I hated myself (unison) I hated myself
I failed at my one job I just wanted to love her
Please Lord forgive me She continued to cry out
I want a child I want my son
We started to pray (unison) We started to pray
For nine months For ten months
For a year For two years
Then it happened It happened
I was pregnant She was pregnant
With his child With my child
I kissed him (unison) I kissed her
I was happy I was overjoyed
I loved this man I loved this woman
I loved my child I loved our child
The child of my love (unison) The child of my love
Nine months passed Nine months passed
I was rushed to the hospital I was speeding
Get this baby out ! She was screaming !
This hurts She was hurt
I pushed She pushed
I pushed She pushed
We held each other's hand (unison) We held each other's hand
I heard crying I heard crying
A tear left my eye (unison) A tear left my eye
This moment Our moment
My baby Our baby
My love and my life All of me.