Black - An Original Slam Poem
No longer just a skin color but a culture.
No longer a protective covering but a name by which any other race
Must refer to as “African American.”
A color with a history lesson… that I am sick and tired of relearning.
I am not this “African American.”
I have never set foot on the Motherland
And the likelihood of me ever doing so is like Obama
Repenting of his sins toward America.
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate my history.
I know that my people were torn from the Motherland.
I know that they were sold as property and not even awarded
The courtesy of being called as such.
I know that my people walked miles to experience a phenomenon
Called “humanity.” I know that they fought for the right to be
A businessman. A respected author. President.
But let me ask you something:
Knowing that what happened was in the past,
Why now must it be my present and the only future I have to look forward to?
The past was never my battle to be fought.
The past was meant to be a warning of hate, not a fuel for it.
I do not ignore the past
But I refuse to embrace its enticing arms.
I refuse to believe that victimization
Is the only way to achieve salvation.
By definition it can either be the absence of
Or the complete absorption of light.
But I am not a color that can be defined by science
I am a human.
I produce more melanin that any other race.
My nose is wider than Angelina Jolie’s
My lips require more lipstick than I can afford.
But I am not black.
I will not allow the darkness of hate
To consume me to point that I can no longer
See the light of the future.
I will not be so consumed that I detach my identity
And attach it to that of my breathless ancestors.
I am not black. I am a soul.
The light in my human eyes can only be replaced the light
Of God when I see His face with my new ones.
My past will mean nothing because I will experience His presence.
A Shakespearean decision
To be overcome by the darkness of my people
… or to overcome.Black.
No longer just a skin color but a culture.
No longer a protective covering but a name by which any other race
Must refer to as “African American.”
A color with a history lesson… that I am sick and tired of relearning.
I am not this “African American.”
I have never set foot on the Motherland
And the likelihood of me ever doing so is like Obama
Repenting of his sins toward America.
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate my history.
I know that my people were torn from the Motherland.
I know that they were sold as property and not even awarded
The courtesy of being called as such.
I know that my people walked miles to experience a phenomenon
Called “humanity.” I know that they fought for the right to be
A businessman. A respected author. President.
But let me ask you something:
Knowing that what happened was in the past,
Why now must it be my present and the only future I have to look forward to?
The past was never my battle to be fought.
The past was meant to be a warning of hate, not a fuel for it.
I do not ignore the past
But I refuse to embrace its enticing arms.
I refuse to believe that victimization
Is the only way to achieve salvation.
By definition it can either be the absence of
Or the complete absorption of light.
But I am not a color that can be defined by science
I am a human.
I produce more melanin that any other race.
My nose is wider than Angelina Jolie’s
My lips require more lipstick than I can afford.
But I am not black.
I will not allow the darkness of hate
To consume me to point that I can no longer
See the light of the future.
I will not be so consumed that I detach my identity
And attach it to that of my breathless ancestors.
I am not black. I am a soul.
The light in my human eyes can only be replaced the light
Of God when I see His face with my new ones.
My past will mean nothing because I will experience His presence.
A Shakespearean decision
To be overcome by the darkness of my people
… or to overcome.