The Black Hole Of My Mind
I don't know why I do it
Degrading myself for others to walk over me
Doing what they want to make me small
I let them
To make sure I can still feel
If I didn't let it happen,
I'd be lost to the emptiness in my head.
It's nothing but a black hole.
Sucking everything and never letting go
It swallows everything up
and there is no way for escape
That's the last place I want to be
So let others push me to the ground.
To make sure I still live.
And not stuck in a looping nightmare
Set out to destroy me
and suck the life from my soul
Leaving me souless.
I think about it for a minute
And figure its a good idea
So I'm on my way to find the emptiness in my head
Hopefully I'll make it before I lose my mind completely.
Don't try to stop me.
Even though my eyes are telling you to try.
Don't. Please.
It'll do me good.
I'll make it and lose myself to the nothing in my mind.
Never come back to real life.
And let the black hole of loneliness suck me in.