There’s a bitch in my brain
she’s filled with lemon juice
and black tar
There’s a bitch in my brain
I didn’t see her
filled with fragments of broken mirrors
rotten fruit
that was once sweet
There’s a bitch in my brain
she says my body
is a ruin
and my voice
is dust
she pinches
she pricks
she’s the card
that makes the house fall
A broken cassette
that repeats
and repeats
She is rack and ruin
sallow rain boots
she wants acidic teeth
and red ribbon
and coughs
with sugary sweet dreams
that make you feel guilty in the morning
Collect my fallen out embers
and throw them back into my face
The heaviness
like water on my chest
slowly seeping into my pours
like a comfort blanket
that isn’t comfortable anymore
It makes every movement
a waltz with anvils
Like tree trunks on my legs
I want to cut them down
and make firewood from my body
I am chemical waste
a broken plate
at a grocery store
a malfunctioning desk lamp
that you return
with a crumpled and stained receipt
and they won’t take it back
Run through the thicket
collect my firewood
bundle me up
throw me in the pile
I will burn soon
I want water
in collar bone basins
a crack
that resonates
and touches your lips
leaving bruises
I want to be the shaky doe
that was born in your back yard
the movement of your tongue
when it’s not coated in silver
I want to be a symphony
like when I broke my wrist
and I heard the sound for days
My hair is as broken
as the cup I dropped on the floor
And it’s because of her
My skin
is just a wallpaper of veins
waiting to be covered
My bones
are a see through slide
that only makes things more confusing
and my eyes
are foggy
and it’s because of you