She has my back
Every step of the way.
Defends me,
Like thunder colliding with lightning.
Guiding me
Through my hardest moments.
Comforts me
When she needs it most.
When she wakes up,
The sun does too.
When she dreams,
The heavens dream with her.
Glowing with love and mysterious elements
That have built her into a strong woman.
God loves her above all angels.
She fills up half of his heart and mine.
Everything on earth praises her.
Angels envy her.
Because of the wings she flies with.
Balanced on her feet.
She's my backbone
And my savior.
Racing through life
Love braided through memories.
Representing the handlebars
In my life
Without her
I'd be spinning out of control.
I'm lying on my deathbed
Gasping for air
And with my last breath I whisper
I love you.
Together in tandem
Thank you for all you do.