Judas Kiss
He was always a sucker for a pretty face
They're always a sucker for a pretty face
He took me to a place and fed me full
of liquor and drugs
He watched as I got sick on myself
He got me a glass of water
He got me a blanket and watched as I fell into a sleep on his couch
While i was dreaming,
He pulled down my pants
He pulled down my underwear
He put himself inside
He made himself right at home,
in a place where he was not welcome
I awoke to the smell of vomit and sweat
and a body hovering over mine
I felt the air hit my bare skin
I felt the contents in my stomach rise into my throat
I felt my mouth sew shut
I felt my eyes slam closed
I felt my jaw clench
I felt power leaving my body,
and into his
I felt myself fade into black
He was someone I knew
He was my sisters boyfriend.
She was sleeping in the room 20 feet away.
I woke in the morning in a place of panic
I ran and I screamed
I ran far away from that place
I thought it may have been a nightmare
I thought maybe it had been a hallucination
But my thighs were numbed with nasty truth,
of what had happened last night
I wanted to die, immediatley
I continued to lie to myself and make excuses for the person who did this to me
I reamained silent
I did not let anyone touch me for months
I did not touch myself for months
Washing myself in the shower that day, felt like the violation all over again
It replayed in my mind
Why coulnd't I yell
Why couldn't I move
This was my fault
I can't tell anyone
Because it was my fault
No one will believe me
And no one did believe me
Years later, I spoke the most difficult words to ever leave my tongue,
to my sister
She didn't believe me
They are still together, today
That was the point in my life I become hardened
I was aware of the horrors that strangers were capable of
But I was not aware of the horrors your own blood held within
Rage consumed every thought I had
It was the only thing I could think of
My body physically shook
every night
My face soaking wet
every night
The hatred grew
every night
Years later and the hatred still lives and breathes deep in my body
Dreaming of the day I have the nerve to take away what he took from me
Safety and sanity.