Believe In Me
Believe in me
They whisper my name and point at me
A poet is something that I can never be
They laugh at me whenever they see me write
Trying to push me to the edge and fight
But I only fight back my tears and push on
All the while the harsh insults prolong
My heart is breaking and my mind is sore
I throw in the towel and say I can't no more
They love it when they see me fail, I know
Keeping me on my toes, feeling so low
On my moms lap I lay my head and weep
For the demons in my head won't let me sleep
I always set myself up for failure, it's all me
She tells me I can be anything I want to be
No need to be low when I can fly to the top
My thoughts are nonsense and I need to stop
For there are people who love me and care
I can't be selfish, people want me to share
My poetry, my writings, my wonderful art
That just touched me and restored my heart
The possibilities are endless can't you see
All because my mother believes in me