Behind the mask
Happines is a just an allusion
You see the smile and draw the conclusion
Anger, Depression, Frustration is what she hides
laughing on the outside
slowily dying on the inside
confident , strong is what she seems
broken , and weak is reality
ashamed of her face
they see beuaty all she sees is beast
she's broken
blame those who poured vinegar in her wounds while they were open
hands to her face but yet she still chose him
she feels no love
wants somebody , anybody just to love her
doesn't remember where she lost herself but her soul cries for help
now immune to pain
with the mindset nothing to lose , and nothing to gain
behind close doors is when it all hits the floor
tears roll down her face
as she thinks she can't take no more
pacing back and forth on floor
finger on the trigger
as she breathes slowly
then a voice says please don't leave
her little sister says wiping her eyes of sleep
I need you don't you see
she put the gun down and began to cry
she runs to her older sister wiping her eyes telling her it's gone be alright
please don't cry
behind the mask she hides
her upsets
her regrets
all the hurt and pain due to those who let her down and left
this mask served as protection
a facade for those to see
to make these looks as they would seem
you ask me how I know these things
well because, the girl behind the mask is me