Behind the Bruises
Living in our century
Can be very tough
Full of people who tell you
You’re not good enough.
If you’ve ever been told
That you don’t belong,
I want you to know
Whoever said that is wrong.
I know how it feels
To be an outcast;
I know how it feels
To be bullied and harassed.
My face isn’t spotless;
My waist isn’t thin;
I have scars and bruises
All over my skin.
But there is more
Than what your eyes see.
These scars and bruises
Do not define me.
Behind these bruises
I have nothing to hide;
Behind these bruises
I am flawless inside.
I play seven instruments
Mostly the guitar.
I also play bass
And sing like a star.
I love to go biking;
My hair is quite fine;
I take great care
Of my handsome feline.
I may not be perfect,
But who really cares?
You don’t have to listen
To what the media shares.
It doesn’t matter
If you’re skinny or fat.
You are all flawless.
Please don’t forget that.