Behind Blue Eyes
I held your hand when your daddy left
you held my hand when Rebecca died
Neither one of us ever had it any better
Despite all the pain and the wrongs
we suffered throughout those days
I never once regretted being there
We could have been different, you know?
been with people that mattered
but, honestly, you were all that mattered
I know your angry about my running away
Vegas was kind of a long place to go
and I can't face you with an excuse now
I'm back, though, and everything is the same
even you, with your blond hair and dangerous eyes
you were always able to draw me out on the ledge
I feel like I'm standing on one as I speak
like that night on the bridge when I was messed up
you were so scared that I'd actually jump
I wouldn't have jumped though
I never even thought about it
It was the pill I took, one of hers
It made me think how she thought
and it was sad and amazing at the same time
Did you know she thought she could fly?
I did too that night on the bridge
the water was rushing and the wind was howling
I can still remember my heart beat twice as fast
You pulled up in your dumb truck
jumped out and ran up
I was intent on not listening
It was the look in your eyes that changed my mind
that wild look that you have now, it scares me
because I know when I see them that you're scared
You were afraid I would jump, afraid I would fall
my arms hung heavy after I saw them
and I let you help me down and away from the height
That's when you buried your face in my neck
breathed me in and cried out the love we were running from
I kissed you then and you kissed me back
Love for the voiceless is a lot harder to accept
but I know you Micha and you've always accepted me
That's why I'm back to show you that I can accept you too