Born to a mother with terrible addictions,
along side the father who never called.
A drunk stepfather who was always angry.
These people, I never want to become.
Seven children later
I'm living with my single mother
Little to no food
Our fridge is filled with booze
I was taken out of school at an early age
So I could learn about the motherhood stage
I took on the role our mother turned away
While she went out at night to go play
At 13 my mother sat me down and said,
"It is time for you to take care of yourself"
For a year the streets became my home
until the government claimed me as their own.
Four foster homes later
I'm finally set free
Only to discover
I'm without the help I need
What I want to become
Is what I needed long ago
I want to mentor youth and help them
get to where they want to go.
I want to become
someone they can trust
Who can help them decide
Who they want to become.