Many different conceptions
An individual perception
Yet shared
our culture,
tells us what is supposed to be beautiful
Skinny waists
You can wrap your hands around
Muscle ripped
Ancient places
Rare things
And it’s true
It’s both
Our idea of beauty is shaped by our culture
But it’s also shaped by our own
We can have very similar ideas of beauty
Almost completely merged
But with one divergent bend
Or maybe many
An entire curve diverting from that shared line
Of what’s beautiful
Beauty belongs to all species and all things
Everything in creation
Although admittedly in varying amounts
And maybe not even noticed
But it’s there
Just because beauty is not commented on
Doesn’t mean it goes unnoticed
The trees so dry
The leaves look like fall
Is beautiful
My hair
And your skin
Were created
With a fine brush
And some of the best of the palate
Is beautiful too
Beauty belongs to all of the senses
Soft velvet
My mother’s plantain
Hazelnut icecream
Are all beautiful
And help to shape the simple beauty
That is proliferant in our world
Beauty is good
Although the bad own it too
It is health
And creates happiness
With each other
With ourselves
Is an abstract idea
But one we are all familiar with
Even if we know not its name
We know it by instinct
Appreciation of high quality surroundings
Is how it’s known
What makes it high quality?
Human reason
Beauty can be action, motion, too
It’s like air
If beauty were a human emotion
It’d be called Love,
But mostly Caring.
Appreciation of it
Helps you reap its rewards
It’s there
It’s everywhere
Even if it can be hard to find.