i feel the sensation of pain. the course is which my blood flows around in the tubes
my body owns. the sensation i feel from the relese i need. I feel the sense in which i
can no longer i feel the nerves in my body. i never understood. when i was younger
i never thought i would be here. to this day i still greve the way i feel for people
to be made fun of, mocked, burried in to a deep hole. to this day i wonder what
would it be like to not like the same sex. why was i born this way? to that i must say,
because i was made to be this way. this over rulling god that is there to protect to love
never once came to mind. if we are all made in his image, why must we all hate?
every last one of us are different, every line, curve, color, mind, emotion. WHY i ask
thee why i am born in a world where we not love but hate? The words that hurt us all
for some reason we cant go back. every wisper every laugh every push, pull, punch,
attack we gat for being who we are he never cana go back. A seccond chance we wished
we had isnt there, nor will it be there. I can feel the sensation. The sensation i say! the sensation
in which i relese my self form the pain i have recived ready to go and never again come back
ready to leave the place i can no longer feel pain! But to thoes people i say. I have survived
what you brought. i dare you to try more. you can try to no avail. Because i am who i am.