Be more open, use
Be more open,
use less verbs,
no more repetition,
and less words.
Be more suspicious,
use smaller ending,
make characters relatable,
and less words.
Be more honest,
use realistic settings,
make personal connections,
and less words.
Be more like others,
use others work,
make liturature similar,
and less words.
Be more faded,
use what others use,
make things you hate,
and less words.
Follow what they want,
listen to what they say,
regret the things you write,
just to cause them to relate.
Edgar Allan Poe made his mark on the world,
Maya Angelou showed her scar to the word,
Mark twain shocked the world.
Their work isn't what the world asked for,
so why are you so eager to listen to them anyway?