To Be Free
To get away from the drama that just may consume me
I write my hearts true desires
the thickness of the pain
layers upon layers
have taken a painstaking toll on me
writing takes the weight off my shoulders
allows me to have some type of freedom
having to make decisions that no child should have to
writing rescues me turns me away from a life of self destruction
she keeps me sane when I'm at wits end
no one listens the one person that should won't
the one who claims to love me the most
does nothing but hurt me
she will never know
and I never tell
contemplating and wondering what could of been
instead of what's to come
putting my own feelings aside
just to make her happy
but it seems to me I bring nothing but dissatisfaction and turmoil to her life
so I believe it's best to leave her as is
no mistakes no regret no nothing
maybe in the end she's why I write