A bad start to a bad day
The clock reads 1:23.
I am still, bathed in the green light
of the microwave.
My mind drifts from place to place
but my body
is stationary.
The clock reads 3:45.
I've been laying here a while,
not ready to face another day,
not ready to know what I'll know in the morning.
The clock reads 5:13.
My eyes, long gone out of focus,
mate being pulled shut as if by weights.
It's a struggle
to keep them
open but
i know that sleep can't help me now.
The clock reads 7:27.
Its already grown light outside. I can hear the birds begin their daytime songs.
I can smell the fresh dewy air, seeping through my fragile window.
It's time to let my body move, and let my mind stay put.
It's time to fill my belly with bread and peanut butter.
Its time to drink in the day with three cups of black tea.
Its time to get up and start the day.