The baby was born,
at age one the baby smiled and ran,
she didn´t see how her father secretly had a devil horn,
her little legs took her everywhere she wanted to go to explore as fast as she can,
at two the baby´s father was in New York city,
she slept on cots at a church and in homeless places ,
she didn´t need anyone´s pity,
nobody knew all the dangers she always faces,
at five she lived in a nieghborhood,
it was where gangs always stood,
the truth isn´t something anyone was willing to share nobody would,
the truth was the neighborhood was anything but good,
she had speech problems and people did not understand her,
they treated her as much as any polar bear would treat another polar bear without fur,
she never liked school,
she was a rare diamond amongst any common jewl,
senior year came around,
more and more problems she found,
she wanted to speak up but couldn´t make a sound,
the baby´s heart just continues to pound