The Awesomeness in Me
The Awesomeness in Me is why I get up out of bed.
Even though, everyday, I would rather not.
The Awesomeness in Me is why I still attempt to look nice everyday
Even though I feel like it doesn't help the way I look at myself.
The Awesomeness in Me is why I am able to put a smile on my face
Even though I feel like crying
The Awesomoeness in Me is why I still have hope,
Even when hope arouond me is falling apart.
To be Awesome is a powerful way of life.
Something, we should not take lightly,
The Awesomeness in You can come out too,
But you must be willing to fight.
Fight every urge in your body that says no
Every thought that says "Give up"
Keep on going! Keep on Loving! Keep on being your best "You".
Because in the end, that's all you have...