The awesome struggle of nature
Whispering winds wakes the wars on warm disolate nights.
Even for the animals who writhe in the midst of a fight.
To the haughty birds who look for love in the day,
Or to the multitude of cats who tramp the birds as their hard nights pay.
As somewhere else, the awesome clashing on ocean crests creates craters in ocean sands.
However, there is an ocean beast that cruises the salty depth anticipating his last stand.
Unfortunately, the school of fish have passed that day
but today the awesome dolphin was the anticipation that caused that beast to lay.
For even elsewhere, an alpha lion's pride,
Stripped him of his respect and pride.
Now i know this is why the wild hyena's laugh and scoff at life
but for even they go through strife.
Sady, everything that is awesome begins to surcease
At the rate nature begins to decease.
But this truth is! nature will stop to cease
If we continue to disturb nature of its awesome equilibrium peace.