Average Jane
Avearge. Never really thought of as a "harmful" word. Everyone uses it, so what is the harm is using, "average".
Vindictive. Using average to describe anyone is vindictive. It is such a bland word, and no-one, not one single individual is "bland".
Everyone is UNIQUE. We each have our set of traits and quricks that make us who we are. We are our own, we are individual.
Rare. I am rare. I have hid behind "average" for far too long, but not anymore.
Alone. I have always felt alone, becuase I felt average.
God made me unique, not average. He never makes anything "average". And now the whole world will see that he made me a strong, beautiful, hilarious, smart, amazing young woman.
Even though, for so long "average" was a comfortable curtain to hide behind, I will no longer stand to be a "Jane Doe". I will create a name for myself, just you watch and see.